**January 31st Billing Statement - Estimated Meter Readings**
Due to the amount of snow on the ground and the frigid temperatures, your January 31, 2025 ALPUC billing statement will include an estimated meter reading. This billing period is 12/17/24 to 1/16/25. Please be aware this is an estimate not an actual reading, estimations are an average of 12-months usage history. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to the office.
ALPUC has contracted Keystone Paving to pave our leak and tap sites. Winter has arrived so this work is now scheduled as soon as they begin making blacktop again in the spring. We will put out that information once we know the date.
After Hours Emergency: When the office is closed and there is a water emergency, notify Alpine Lake Security at 304-789-2121, security will alert appropriate ALPUC Staff.
ALPUC Board of Directors Position: We have one board member term expiring on June 30, 2025. Any customer who receives service from ALPUC (in or outside of Alpine) that is in good standing, is eligible to run for that position. If you have an interest, please contact our office at (304) 789-6996.
Protect your home and our water supply! Because of the frigid temperatures that have plagued our area this winter, we are already experiencing customers with water leaks resulting in damage to their home. This is as frustrating to ALPUC as it is to the homeowner that experiences water damage. Staff spends countless hours looking for leaks and trying to preserve our water supply. Please winterize your home! At the very least, turn off your main water valve when you are not physically there any time of the year, cold or warm. It is advised that you have someone physically inspect your home during winter months or when vacant and the water supply has been left on. After an extended period of freezing, temperatures rise, thawing begins and this is when you may experience ruptured lines if they were previously frozen.
Only ALPUC operators are permitted to turn the water meter off and on. If you would like the water turned off or on at the meter we must have a written request, which can be emailed to office@alpuc.com. We schedule those requests during normal business hours M-F and reply to each request so you know that we have received it and have it scheduled. This process alone will not eliminate the possibility of frozen lines if you have not properly winterized your home and drained your water lines.
We have a drop box located in the ALPUC parking lot, for your convenience, you can drop your payments and other paperwork from your car!
It is law in West Virginia that homeowners and/ or contractors must call WV 811 prior to any digging taking place. Many different utility lines run under the ground near our homes. Dial WV811 or 1-800-245-4848.
1813 Alpine Lake Rd. Terra Alta, WV 26764
Office (304)789-6996 Fax (304)789-6488 This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Monday - Friday: 8am - 3pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
After Hours Emergency (Alpine Lake Security): 304-789-2382