It's easy to use up a lot of water. Here are some everyday activities and the approximate amount of water each uses.
Laundry: 20 to 45 gallons per load.
Shower: 20 to 30 gallons per shower.
Tub Bath: 30 to 40 gallons per bath.
Dishwasher: 15 to 30 gallons per load.
Toilet: 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush.
Drinking Water: 1 to 2 quarts per day per person.
Garbage Disposal: 5 gallon per minute of use.
Car Washing: 5 gallon per minute of use.
Lawn Watering: 7 to 43 gallons per 100 square feet.
Below are some tips for winterizing shared from various sources on the internet and true customer situations. Application of these tips will vary based on usage of the home during winter months. If you have specific questions or concerns about your home, please consult a plumber.
In Winter of 2012 one of our customers had a water leak in their crawlspace that amounted to 251,630 gallons, that is enough water to fill the new pool at the Lodge more than 6 times!
Place these items in the TRASH and NOT the toilet:
Think before you flush...annually wipes cost taxpayers over $1 billion in repairs to wastewater systems nationwide.
Alpine Lake has 12 pumps, 8 are grinder pumps and grinder pumps cost an average of $6,000 to $8,000 to replace.
Flushable does not mean biodegradable.
Wipes can clog septic systems too.